It’s just a phase – so don’t miss it
Great resource: It’s Just a Phase—So Don’t Miss It: Why Every Life Stage of a Kid Matters and at Least 13 Things Your Church Should Do About It
Every Church knows that kids matter. That’s not in question.
A better question is, does your Church act like every kid matters at every phase in their lives?
A phase is a timeframe in kids’ lives when we can leverage distinctive opportunities to influence their future. That means the whining toddler, the dramatic fifth grader, and the stressed-out tenth grader are not just “going through a phase” that should be wished away; rather, they are transitioning through critical periods that we are called to discover, celebrate, and navigate strategically with them.
Professional Standards, Ethical Behaviour and SP3
Child Safe Refresher test, Professional Standards training information and to register, get started etc
Contact Margy for further information:
Ph. 0408 894 457